Blog 9

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November 23, 2016 by crossingboundariesmedia

How much can theory and research explain about what happens in a learning experience?

Theory and research can only go so far in explaining what goes one during the learning experience. They give us a place to start looking at what happens. They tell us what might be causing the results that we are seen. Theory tells us that a certain activity would be good to teach a skill. Research investigates that theory. Sometime with that particular group the theory might be proven right. But researchers should not assume that because their theory was proven correct with one, two, three, groups of individuals that it will work for every individual. There are always outliers that will mess with the data and not be able to conform to the theory. Humans are such individual creatures, that what might work for one group of people might be entirely wrong with the next. Therefore, while we may learn a lot through theory and research, these practices should not be taken as the ultimate truth.


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